Exclusive Interview: Pop Culturalist Chats with Family Reunion’s Cameron J. Wright

Cameron J. Wright

Cameron J. Wright is one of Hollywood’s most promising young talents. At only fourteen, he’s delivering showstopping performances on the stage and screen. Fresh off the nationwide tour of Motown: The Musical, where he starred as a young Berry Gordy, young Stevie Wonder, and young Michael Jackson, Cameron is back on set filming his popular television series Family Reunion. Pop Culturalist caught up with Cameron to chat about his career, Family Reunion Season 2, and what’s ahead for his musical group Ncredible Crazy Kids.

PC: You’re an actor and musician. How did you discover your passion for the arts? Is there one that you naturally gravitate towards?
Cameron: I’ve loved music since I was a baby. I wanted to take guitar lessons, but my mom heard that it was easier to start on piano and then move on to the guitar. So that’s what we did. While I was taking piano lessons, I saw someone playing and singing, and I wanted to do that. My piano teacher was also a voice coach. That’s when I started to get into singing. From there, I wanted to try out acting.

PC: Who or what has had the biggest influence on your career?
Cameron: My biggest influence is Michael Jackson. Getting to be a part of Motown: The Musical tour was amazing. Also, Bruno Mars and Jamie Foxx are two other huge inspirations.

PC: You’ve had a lot of success already in your young career. When you look back, is there a particular moment that sticks out?
Cameron: I have to say Family Reunion. It’s the moment that I was like, “This is really happening!” It feels great to be a part of it.

PC: Is it a challenge to balance all these projects and life as a normal teenager?
Cameron: It is challenging, but I like the challenge. I love being on set. I love getting to work with my band.

PC: You’re currently starring in Family Reunion. Tell us about the series, your character, and what drew you to this project.
Cameron: Family Reunion is about a family that moves to Georgia. They used to live in Seattle. Moving from Seattle to Georgia was a wacky transition. Along the way, they get to meet this whole extended family that they didn’t even know they had. It’s the adventure of this family.

My character is Mazzi. He’s very similar to me. We both like music. We both have a big personality.

I was drawn to this show because of the concept and writing. It’s really great. We have amazing writers.

PC: You’re currently filming Season 2. What can fans expect?
Cameron: Fans can expect a lot more laughs and more family unity. I can’t say anything else. You’ll just have to wait and see.

PC: You toured the country with Motown: The Musical. What was the biggest takeaway from that experience?
Cameron: That was my first acting role ever. Getting to be on stage where it’s all live, it helped strengthen my acting. With sitcoms, there are multiple takes. You can stop and start over.

PC: You’re also a part of Ncredible Crazy Kids. What’s ahead for the band?
Cameron: We’re excited to release new music. I’m excited for it!

Pop Culturalist Speed Round

PC: Guilty pleasure TV show?
Cameron: Survivor and The Masked Singer

PC: Guilty pleasure movie?
Cameron: Us

PC: Favorite book?
Cameron: Dear Evan Hansen

PC: Favorite play or musical?
Cameron: Hamilton or Dear Evan Hansen

PC: A band or artist that fans would be surprised to learn is on your playlist?
Cameron: I listen to a lot of different stuff. I love Bruno Mars, Michael Jackson, the Jackson 5, Marvin Gaye, Smokey Robinson, and Ed Sheeran.

PC: Who would play you in the story of your life?
Cameron: Bruno Mars

To keep up with Cameron, follow him on Instagram. Binge-watch Season 1 of Family Reunion on Netflix today.


Kevin is a writer living in New York City. He is an enthusiast with an extensive movie collection, who enjoys attending numerous conventions throughout the year. Say hi on Twitter and Instagram!

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