Exclusive Interview: Pop Culturalist Chats with Arrow’s Joseph David-Jones

Joseph David-Jones is delivering a heroic performance as the beloved character Connor Hawke on The CW’s Arrow. He first joined the DC family in a two-episode arc on Legends of Tomorrow, but has since made his way to Star City. After joining the cast, Joseph quickly became a fan favorite and was promoted to a series regular. With the series now in its final season, Pop Culturalist caught up with Joseph to chat all things Arrow.
PC: What can you tease about Connor’s arc this season?
Joseph: This season, we’re going to dive a lot deeper into his backstory, the people in his family, and his relationships. We just touched the surface last season, but now we’ll see that fully fleshed out. I feel incredibly proud and I can’t wait for people to see!
PC: Connor first made his appearance back in 2016 with a two-episode arc on Legends. When you initially signed on to play this character, were you aware of the possibility of continuing his storyline?
Joseph: It’s funny: initially when I signed on to Legends, the idea was that Connor was going to become a major recurring character and potentially another member of the crew on Legends, but the show changed so much since that first season. They were still trying to figure out the dynamic of the group, who would still be there, and, of course, who wouldn’t. It’s amazing that they brought me back in this capacity because that show has changed so much. It’s taken a more humorous tone and became this cult hit with followers and fans.
Then, I got the call from Arrow. They told me that they were doing these flash forwards and they wanted to include me in there—it completely came out of left field. I was happy to reprise the role even though this version of Connor Hawk is from a separate timeline.
PC: Which of Connor’s relationships has been your favorite to explore this season and why?
Joseph: I would say J.J.—in Connor’s history, he’s probably the person that he has the strongest bond with; he’s the person who has meant the most to him. It’s been so much fun to play and work out those scenes with Charlie Barnett, who plays J.J. It’s been the most challenging and rewarding part of shooting this season. We’ve put in the work and I can’t wait for people to see it!
PC: It’s already been announced that this will be the final season of Arrow. What will you remember most about this experience? What’s been the biggest takeaway?
Joseph: I would say the people. Everyone in the cast has become a family. The biggest takeaway for me is the relationships. They’ve not only given advice on Arrow and how to navigate the show, but also on life, Hollywood, and navigating this industry. I’ve learned so much from my other cast mates on the show; I’ve learned so much from David Ramsey, from Rick Gonzalez…it’s been amazing and rewarding to work with these people. They’re amazing, funny, and genuine.
PC: We also know there is a female-led Arrow spinoff in the works. Will we see Connor make an appearance?
Joseph: They’re still trying to figure out the show. They want it to be different from Arrow but still do justice to its legacy. I don’t know how much I can give away about what’s going to be happening in the show, but the initial idea is that the future Team Arrow is still going to be a part of this. They’re still figuring out the dynamic and where everything will fit, so we’ll see. It’s still evolving and being developed.
PC: If this is the last that we see of Connor, what parting words would you share with him?
Joseph: Oh, man! It’s tough without giving anything away. Connor inherently carries the weight of the world on his shoulders. He blames himself for a lot of things. I want him to realize that a lot that happens isn’t his fault, and that he shouldn’t be too hard on himself.
Career Questions
PC: You’re an actor, writer, producer, and musician. How did you discover your passion for the arts?
Joseph: I was playing music in a band during college. This talent agent told me that they didn’t rep bands, but asked if I ever thought about acting, modeling, stuff like that. Slowly from there, I did a competition in New York and ended up winning male actor of the year. Then, I came to L.A. and fell in love with the industry, fell in love with the work, and I’ve just been sinking deeper and deeper.
I think my desire to do everything in the industry comes from a love of it. It comes from this desire to want to have more creative input in everything. I feel like that’s an itch that is always begging to be scratched. The more that I’ve been out here, the deeper and deeper I’ve gone into wanting to express myself creatively and create things and work with people who I’m inspired by. It’s gotten a hold of me.
PC: Who or what has had the biggest influence on your career?
Joseph: I would say other actors. I’m constantly being driven by other actors that I see doing things, mostly people in my demographic. When I see a young black actors doing and accomplishing things they want to do, it makes me more compelled to do it myself. It’s realizing that it is possible—this is something we can do. Here’s this person, who’s not much older than me or not much further along than me in his career, doing his thing. There’s no excuse for me not to get out there and try something. I wish I could say that it was one specific person, but there are so many of us working and accomplishing things. Every time I see it, I’m like, “I need to be one of them.”
Pop Culturalist Speed Round
PC: Guilty pleasure TV show?
Joseph: Billy on the Street? Actually, I love watching those documentary series like To Catch a Predator or Beyond Scared Straight.
PC: Guilty pleasure movie?
Joseph: Black and Privileged on Netflix
PC: Favorite book?
Joseph: I was obsessed with the Harry Potter series
PC: Favorite play or musical?
Joseph: I’m going to go with Into the Heights, but I just saw Ain’t Too Proud and it’s incredible—plus,I have friends in it!
PC: A band or artist that fans would be surprised to learn is on your playlist?
Joseph: Fall Out Boy
PC: Hidden talent?
Joseph: I can solve a Rubik’s Cube pretty quickly. I hope no one puts me on the spot…I haven’t done it since college.
To keep up with Joseph, follow him on Twitter and Instagram. Catch the final season of Arrow every Tuesday at 9/8c on The CW.
Photo Credit: Luc-Richard Photography
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