Exclusive Interview: Jacob Batalon Talks ‘Reginald the Vampire’ Season 2, His Character’s Journey as the Reluctant Hero, and Possible Season 3 Chatter

Jacob Batalon

Season 2 of Syfy’s bloodsucking comedy, Reginald the Vampire, is underway, with stakes higher than ever. As new threats emerge around every corner, our titular character embarks on a journey of self-discovery, reluctantly assuming the mantle of a hero. Pop Culturalist had the pleasure of catching up with leading man and producer Jacob Batalon to discuss Season 2, Reginald’s evolution, what’s ahead, and the possibility of a Season 3.

PC: Everything has been elevated in Season 2. As you prepared to step back into Reginald’s shoes, what were you most excited about delving deeper into and exploring?
Jacob: I was most excited about delving into and exploring more emotional and deeper aspects of Reginald than in the first season. I’m really excited for everyone to see that and the evolution in the storylines over the next few episodes.

PC: I love that Maurice has emerged as this mentor figure to Reginald. He’s the one who pushes him to be that reluctant hero. Who are the people in your own life who have held space for you in a similar way? Did you channel them into that dynamic?
Jacob: My cousin Chris has helped me a lot in my career. Honestly, if it weren’t for him, I probably wouldn’t have had the success that I’ve had. My family was a little skeptical at first about me moving out to New York to pursue a career in this industry, but he ended up becoming my greatest supporter. Also, my friends—I wouldn’t be here without them.

PC: This series is the first time you’ve stepped into the producer’s chair. How has your work behind the scenes impacted the way you approach your work as an actor and your connection with the material and this character?
Jacob: You need to have a deeper connection to the whole production, not just your character. That’s significant for me. Producing has made me more conscious of my screen time because I want to use it effectively. It has had a positive impact on me in that way.

PC: Throughout the two seasons, you’ve shown a different side of your artistry with the dramatic work you’ve done. How have you created the space for yourself to tackle that journey?
Jacob: I was actually given the space to create and explore the way I wanted with this character. I’ve been lucky enough to work with producers, directors, and our showrunner who allow me to have that mental capacity.

PC: We know that you can’t say too much, but what’s ahead for remainder of the season?
Jacob: He’s still figuring out if he’s worthy enough to be the hero.

PC: If we’re lucky enough to get a third season, is there an aspect of your character that you’d like to explore further?
Jacob: There are parts of Reginald that you’ll see in the upcoming episodes that I’d like to explore for sure. They were all fun to do when I was doing them. But the show ends on such a cliffhanger that I think we’d all want it to be resolved!

To keep up with Jacob, follow him on Instagram. Reginald the Vampire airs every Wednesday at 10/9c on Syfy.

Photo Credit: Marcus Nartatez


Kevin is a writer living in New York City. He is an enthusiast with an extensive movie collection, who enjoys attending numerous conventions throughout the year. Say hi on Twitter and Instagram!

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