Exclusive Interview: Em Haine, Aren Buchholz, and Marguerite Hanna Talk Reginald the Vampire

Em Haine, Aren Buchholz, and Marguerite Hanna

Em Haine, Aren Buchholz, and Marguerite Hanna are three of the stars of the must-see new series, Reginald the Vampire.

Imagine a world populated by beautiful, fit and vain vampires. Reginald Andres tumbles headlong into it as an unlikely hero who will have to navigate every kind of obstacle – the girl he loves but can’t be with, a bully manager at work and the vampire chieftain who wants him dead. Fortunately, Reginald discovers he has a few unrecognized powers of his own.

Pop Culturalist was lucky enough to speak with Em, Aren, and Margurite about Reginald the Vampire Season 1.

PC: Marguerite, your character and this series mean a lot to various communities that want to see themselves represented on screen. What has it meant to you to be a part of a project like this and to have stories told on a network like Syfy?
Marguerite: Oh my God. I actually cried happy tears when I found out that the character was non-binary like me. That doesn’t happen often. I knew it would feel good and I was looking forward to that, but it really took me off guard with how good it felt to play a non-binary character and to have that be the centerpiece of part of what my character brought to the table. It wasn’t shoved off in the background, and I was able to stand proudly in that. I’ve never been able to play a character like this before. That was amazing, and I loved it.

PC: Em, Sarah and Reggie have a really interesting dynamic. They’re coworkers and friends and maybe have a romantic connection. How did you build the chemistry between the two of you?
Em: Jacob [Batalon] is such a chill, kindhearted dude, despite all his Spider-Man fame. He walked up to me and was like, “It’s so nice to meet you.” We were really shooting the sh*t. It was good vibes. I felt super safe, and I was so grateful to be playing this potential romance with someone that I really trusted and someone that I genuinely like because when you have that base you can really explore and do fun stuff together.

He would also give me advice if I had a big scene that I wasn’t sure about. He would sit up and chat with me about it. It was so awesome. I learned so much, and I hope we get to go back for another season.

PC: Aren, there’s great chemistry on set between all of you. How were you able to build that bond?
Aren: We had so much fun right off the bat. Jacob’s such a good dude and so funny. He’s so goofy. He gave everyone the freedom to be themselves and goof off, which is what made the absurdity and all the craziness in the show really pop off. We would always hang out during lunchtime.

Marguerite: Yeah, in Jacob’s trailer!

Aren: We were really lucky with our crew too because they were on our side and on the sidelines. We would try to make them laugh. When they’d yell cut, everyone would be laughing and giggling. It was a lot of fun.

Make sure to follow Em (Instagram), Aren (Twitter/Instagram), and Marguerite (Instagram). Reginald the Vampire premieres on October 5th at 10/9c on Syfy.

Photo Credit: Farrah Aviva (Em), Reyelle Photography (Aren), The Portrait Sessions (Marguerite)


Kevin is a writer living in New York City. He is an enthusiast with an extensive movie collection, who enjoys attending numerous conventions throughout the year. Say hi on Twitter and Instagram!

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