Exclusive Interview: Pop Culturalist Chats with The Orville’s Mark Jackson

Mark Jackson

Mark Jackson is the man behind the A.I. character, Isaac, on Seth MacFarlene’s hit adventure dramedy, The Orville. The role found Mark drawing on his extensive theatre background when bringing his faceless character to life.

Last week, a major reveal changed the course of Isaac’s journey, and Pop Culturalist sat down with Mark to chat about what’s ahead.

PC: For readers who may not be familiar with the series, tell us about The Orville, your character, and what drew you to this project.
Mark: The Orville is set 400 years in the future aboard the Planetary Union vessel the USS Orville, captained by Seth MacFarlane’s Ed Mercer. The ship is tasked with various duties from simple cargo deliveries to space exploration.

Isaac is an artificial life form from the planet Kaylon who, as an ambassador to The Union, is Science Officer aboard the ship.

What drew me this project? Well, I mean, everything I just said. It’s a sci-fi geek’s wet dream.

PC: This is a role unlike any you’ve done before. What’s been the biggest challenge embodying Isaac?
Mark: Isaac is all body and voice. I suppose you could say that of most characters–but, unlike them, Isaac doesn’t have a face. Acting without a face is a challenge. In theatre, though, where I’ve done most of my work, anyone sitting beyond the twentieth row can’t see your facial expressions anyway so you have to rely on your body and voice. My theatre background proved very useful with Isaac.

PC: When The Orville premiered, it was the most-viewed drama debut since Empire. Did that add any extra pressure heading into season two?
Mark: I think we all saw The Orville‘s early success as a very positive boost. Our loyalty is to the stories, the characters, and the fans. As long as we keep that focus we can’t go wrong. Positively focused pressure is a good thing.

PC: What can you tease about Isaac’s arc in season two?
Mark: There are endless possibilities with Isaac’s character that we are keen to explore. The sky really is the limit with him. Expect many twists and turns.

PC: Isaac has a big reveal this season. How early on did you learn about that? What will it mean for Isaac moving forward?
Mark: The fans’ reaction to that episode was unbelievably heartwarming. In the space of a few minutes, his character took on all these new dimensions and a whole host ways forward. This marks the start of an interesting journey for Isaac–one that the fans are going to love.

PC: What is it like working alongside Seth—who’s not only your co-star, but also the creator and executive producer?
Mark: Seth’s a genius; there’s no way around that. He works incredibly hard and delivers the goods, but I love the downtime I’ve spent with him. He’s kind and loyal; he’s passionate and has the sort of dry sense of humour that appeals to us Brits.

Pop Culturalist Speed Round

PC: Guilty pleasure TV show?
Mark: The Expanse

PC: Guilty pleasure movie?
Mark: At the moment, anything with Timothée Chalamet in it. He’s unstoppable.

PC: Favorite book?
Mark: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

PC: A band or artist that fans would be surprised to learn is on your playlist?
Mark: Tchaikovsky

PC: Last show you binge-watched?
Mark: Harlots

PC: Hidden talent?
Mark: It’s proving reluctant to show itself.

Keep up with Mark by following him on Twitter and Instagram, and catch The Orville every Thursday at 9/8c.


Kevin is a writer living in New York City. He is an enthusiast with an extensive movie collection, who enjoys attending numerous conventions throughout the year. Say hi on Twitter and Instagram!

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