The Expanse is a SyFy original based on a series of novels by James S. A. Corey. The show tells the tale of Detective Joe Miller (Thomas Jane), Space Ice Miner Jim Holden (Steven Strait), and United Nations representative Chrisjen Avasarala (Shohreh Aghdashloo) as they chase the elusive Julie Mao (Florence Faivre) through deep space and interstellar politics.
The Expanse wrapped up its first season earlier this February, and season two starts in 2017. So, why not revisit the best sci-fi drama series that SyFy has put out in years in:
What little I saw of Shed, the “medic but not technically qualified to be a medic”, made him inexplicably endearing to me. It might be because, early on, he was the only character that lightened up the show’s serious tone. To have him killed off so abruptly had me genuinely startled, but also peaked my curiosity to The Expanse.
Julie Mao becomes contaminated with the protomolecule and the whole transformation process is equal parts freaky and equal parts creepy. The whole scene is really well done and I felt uneasy throughout.
This whole scene was awesome! You could cut the tension with a knife even before the shooting took place. And afterwards? It looked like a completely different hotel lobby, one decorated with bullet holes and blood.
What a rollercoaster ride of emotions! Battle started with a cocky Captain of the warship Donnager claiming “They started this battle, but we’ll finish it.” to “I didn’t think we could lose.“ in the span of an episode. Brings back memories of Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica.
Floating illegally through Martian Space, Alex Kamal (Cas Anvar) remembers a pass phrase from his old Martian Army days that effectively tells the Martian patrols in the area to GO AWAY! What is this magic phrase you ask? DONKEY BALLS!
Quite possibly the most hilarious line this season, Cas Anvar’s delivery of “Donkey Balls” had me rolling on the floor!
Photo/Video Credit: Rafy/Syfy, expanse-gifs tumblr
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