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ACE Comic Con Midwest: Brie Larson and Tessa Thompson Talk MCU

As Captain Marvel and Valkyrie, Brie Larson and Tessa Thompson play some of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's fiercest characters. Between…

5 years ago
ACE Comic Con Midwest: Kit Harington Stans Severus SnapeACE Comic Con Midwest: Kit Harington Stans Severus Snape

ACE Comic Con Midwest: Kit Harington Stans Severus Snape

Kit Harington has a foot in different universes. His profile skyrocketed during his time in Westeros, the world at the…

5 years ago
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SDCC 2018: Inside Marvel’s Cloak & Dagger Press Room

It’s been an emotional week for Cloak & Dagger fans. On Thursday, a brand new episode dropped and shocking revelations…

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Avengers: Infinity War Delivers All the Thrills

It's a love/hate thing with myself and the superhero movie. The first movie I ever viewed as a kid was…

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5 Fun Facts with Sarit Klein

Sarit Klein is in charge of making all our favorite characters on each of Netflix's Marvel series look really good.…

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After several teaser trailers—and one featuring a pretty good parody of Bob Ross—20th Century Fox finally released a proper trailer…

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Like millions of others, we are huge fans of This is Us. The television drama packed an emotional wallop for…

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If you've watched any of Netflix's Marvel television shows, then you know Stephanie Maslansky's work. A seasoned costume designer based…

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Spider-Man: Homecoming is a fun, fresh take on a superhero that has seen his fair share of movies. In this…

8 years ago