
Shadowhunters 2A Midseason Finale: Light Amongst the Darkness


The first half of season two has been a mixed bag of the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, but the midseason finale was filled with some of the series’ best moments. From Malec’s ultimate love confession to the reveal of Jace’s angel blood, there’s quite a bit to talk about! Let’s break down the epicness that was By the Light of Dawn.

Jace is truly Angelic

No one can argue that Jace has been mentally, physically, and emotionally tortured all season long. Despite many Downworlders wanting him dead, and a few who were almost successful, he was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice and give up his life in order to destroy the Soul Sword. Knowing full well of Jace’s heroic antics, Valentine tricked Jace into activating the Soul Sword and sadly killing a room full of Downworlders (R.I.P. Alaric). In the process, we learned that Jace wasn’t consumed with Demon blood but in fact he had Angel blood – just like Clary. Jace had spent most of this season believing Valentine raised him to be evil, so it was a welcome relief to find out he was the hero we all knew him to be. In the one true statement Valentine has said, he referred to Jace as “a real life hero” and someone who is “Always ready to right the wrongs and stand up for those who can’t stand up for themselves.” While we wholeheartedly agree, it’s a real shame Jace’s true nature was revealed at the expense of innocent Downworlders.

Elimination of that pesky incest storyline

Can I get a hallelujah?! While holding the Soul Sword, you know that mortal instrument that forces one to tell the truth, Valentine revealed he wasn’t Jace’s father and that Clary had never been his sister. It was all a rouse to help Valentine in his quest to destroy the Downworld. With this revelation, Jace no longer has to feel guilty about his feelings towards Clary and maybe alleviate some of the baggage he so heavily carries. Whether or not he will relay this bit of information to Clary remains to be seen. Knowing Jace, he will carry this with him in secret knowing how happy Clary is currently with Simon. We are just unbelievably elated that this uncomfortable storyline has been put to rest and Jace’s and Clary’s feelings for one another can no longer be seen as incestuous.

Daylighter Simon

In a clever and necessary twist, Jace disguised himself as Clary to gain entrance into the Institute and trick Valentine into letting him feed Simon his blood in order to save his life. In this moment we get to see the growth in Jace and Simon’s relationship, remembering there was a time Jace said he wouldn’t risk his life for Simon.  We are also treated to seeing the two of them fight side by side and Simon’s ever-growing vampire skills. Fast forward to the aftermath of the Soul Sword and a gleaming bit of sunlight hitting Simon’s skin, and Simon begins to realize he can now walk in the sun! In a heartwarming moment where Simon twirls Clary in the light of day, it is revealed he is now a Daylighter and Jace’s blood makes him impervious to sunlight. We’re sure that while this new development will come with it’s perks, it will undoubtedly have it’s drawbacks as well.

Raphael speaks his truth

While the addiction storyline has not been our favorite and is rooted with clichés and stereotypes, it did offer a beautiful moment where Raphael confessed to Izzy the he is asexual. Shadowhunters likes to pride itself on the inclusion of different sexualities, so it was nice to see them include one that’s often overlooked or forgotten entirely. The series is strongest when it includes these intimate character moments of them living their truth, and it would only benefit from more scenes like this.

Clary envisions another rune

During the inevitable showdown between Jace and Valentine (nice moves btw!), Clary envisions another rune drawing it onto the Soul Sword thus making it heated to her touch and then eventually disappearing. We have yet to know why Clary is being shown these runes and what each one truly is capable of, so here’s hoping we get some answers in the second half of the season. All we know is it’s abundantly clear Clary is a special type of Shadowhunter.

Malec declares their love for one another

In easily one of the best scenes of the series to date, Alec and Magnus say those three special words to one another otherwise known as “I love you.” Alec desperate to find Magnus in the wake of the attack on the Downworlders and fearing the worst, the two have a very special moment in front of the Institute. Alec told Magnus he never felt fear like he did when he thought he had lost him and the two exchanged I love yous and a truly heartwarming hug. This declaration is powerful for both Alec and Magnus. Alec who was once afraid to be vulnerable and admit who he truly was, and Magnus who was once afraid to open himself up again to the possibility of love, are now being more honest than ever. To see Alec so confidently reveal his true feelings for Magnus and for Magnus to reciprocate them, we have now reached a new point in their relationship where their walls are slowly coming down. We look forward to watching their relationship continually progress in the back half of the season and can only hope for more beautiful scenes like this to come!

Difficult choices for Downworlders ahead

Now that the Soul Sword has been activated, the entire Downworld is at stake. Downworlders have continually put their faith in Shadowhunters to protect all beings, but is that still the right choice? Maia has shown her doubts in the ability of Shadowhunters to make a stand against threats facing the Downworld, and honestly we don’t blame her. Despite his best intentions, Jace inadvertently is the reason the Soul Sword is now fully charged and ready to yield it’s deadly power. Do all the Downworld clans continue to align themselves with Shadowhunters or do they go rogue in order to maintain self-preservation? While Luke has backed every plan hatched by his Shadowhunter friends, he is slightly biased having been a Shadowhunter himself and needs to start putting his pack first. Meliorn and Raphael have both proven they’re ready to make difficult choices to protect their clan, now may be the time for Luke to do the same.

Aldertree’s unclear intentions 

We still have no idea what to make of Aldertree. He assisted Alec during the attack on the Institute, but he also shunned Jace and got Izzy hooked on Yin Fen. Thankfully Izzy is coming to terms with her addiction and looks to be on the path of healing and Jace is back in the Clave’s good graces, but Aldertree is still at fault. With his interesting link to the Downworld which he confessed to Alec, is he well-intentioned or a master of deception? Perhaps we will learn more about Aldertree’s backstory in the second half of the season that will shed some light on the character’s true motivations.

Dark figure makes off with Soul Sword

In the episode’s final moments, we see a dark hooded figure walk down a dark street with the highly sought after Soul Sword in hand. Who is this? Why did they take the Soul Sword? Where are they headed? All will be revealed in the second half of the season, but our guess is the figure is the eagerly anticipated Sebastian Verlac. It remains to be seen how closely the show will stick to the books when it comes to this mysterious character, but we think it’s a fair assumption his arrival will shake things up for all our favorite Shadowhunters and Downworlders. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.


Now comes the long wait for Shadowhunters season 2b which airs June 5th at 8/7c on Freeform. At least this gives us three months to process everything that happened in this unforgettable midseason finale! See you all in June!

Photo Credit: John Medland/Freeform


Just a girl who loves too many shows, films and bands and enjoys writing about it! Also has a major soft spot for all things Maze Runner & Dylan O'Brien.

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