
Pop Culturalist Chats with Diora Baird

Diora Baird is one of the hardest-working actresses in show biz. Her tenacity and talent has landed her coveted roles in some of Hollywood’s biggest films including Wedding Crashers and Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning. This year, she’s been busy filming a documentary series, a new psychological thriller, developing her own show, and collaborating on her first coffee table book. Pop Culturalist sat down with Diora to chat about all of her upcoming projects and why she believes it’s important to live an authentic life.

PC: Tell us your Hollywood story.
Diora: I grew up modeling since my mom was a model. So, I was on set from the time I was in diapers, yet, I had no idea I would ever act since I was so shy. I could barely speak up in class as a kid. I somehow ended up in drama class as a freshman in high school (thanks to my best friend at the time) and I managed to get cast in a play. I was the lead in You Can’t Take It with You and I don’t think I have ever been so nervous in my life. Fast forward a few years and I decided to move out to L.A. at 17 to follow my passion for acting. I never really “broke into the industry”. It was more like I knocked on every door, window, crack, whatever, until someone finally opened up. I did every student film I could and tried to be on set as much as possible. I think it paid off, but you never know in this business. Just when you think you’ve “made it”, you’re forced to go back to the end of the line. That is a dance I am all too familiar with.

PC: You’re known for your role in Wedding Crashers. Tell us about that filming experience and what it’s like working with Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn.
Diora: After maybe seven call backs, I was cast in Wedding Crashers. Watching Vince Vaughn was just incredible. Every single take was different and you never knew what was going to come flying out of his mouth. All the supporting cast, and even the background actors, had to be prepared for just about anything when he was on set. Having to shoot a sex scene is never, ever easy, but Owen Wilson seemed to be just as nervous as I was. You kind of just close your eyes and jump in.

PC: You’ve gained a loyal horror fan base following from your role in Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning. Tell us about your experience on that film.
Diora: No one is a bigger scaredy cat than I am. I’ve never even watched the entire film. Even if it’s me on screen, I still can’t bare it. [laughs] That must be why I get cast in them since I am legit terrified. I am so grateful for that opportunity though and having that experience. We had such an amazing cast and crew, it felt like our own little family. A very bloody little family.

PC: You’re working on a coffee table book with photographer Stephanie Vovas. How did that come about and what can we expect from the photos?
Diora: I first shot with Stephanie at the very start of her photography career thanks to a mutual friend of ours. We clicked right away and had the most fun I’ve ever had while modeling. Nearly ten years later and we have shot together numerous times at various stages of my life, the good, the bad, and the ugly. [laughs] The book concept started out as almost a joking matter based on how many times we were shooting together, but then it sort of just made the most sense. What else do we do with all of this amazing art we have made over the past decade? Art is meant to be shared, so that’s what we will do.

PC: How has becoming a mother made you a better creator/artist?
Diora: Becoming a mother has made me a better person all around. There’s nothing quite like having to put someone else’s needs before yours 24/7 while living off negative sleep. As far as making me a better artist, it has made me tragically empathetic. I have never been very good at crying on cue or anything like that, but now I can’t seem to stop crying. Anything that has to do with kids, whether it’s a commercial or an Instagram post, or a billboard, whatever, I’m an emotional mess…in the best way possible, of course.

PC: You recently came out in The Advocate and talked about being true to your authentic self. What went into the decision to be so open with your fans?
Diora: I was so thrilled to get the chance to tell my story through The Advocate. It wasn’t like it was some secret of mine that I was finally revealing. My friends and family all knew and supported who I am. At the beginning, middle, end of the day, being gay is not a choice. It’s just simply who I am. Once I realized that was the missing link all these years, it was like I was finally able to breathe better. For so long, I thought something was wrong with me due to my inability to truly connect in my past relationships with men. Turns out, I was just with the wrong gender. Simple solution! I am very fortunate to live in a city overflowing with gays and to be surrounded by the LGBTQ community. I imagine it would be hard when you’re the only one in your school, town, community that is gay. That’s why I wanted to share my story on a broader scale. There’s nothing worse than living a lie. We have this one life to live, so let’s cut the crap and be honest.

PC: You’re working on a documentary with Nikki Weiss. What can you tell us about the project?
Diora: The documentary is based on the book Sexual Fluidity: Understanding Women’s Love and Desire by Lisa Diamond, who is a psychology professor of gender studies. Being documented in my own home while just doing my normal everyday chores was purely terrifying. I have no idea how the Kardashians have done it for so long! Oh, probably the millions in revenue, but whatever. This documentary follows three women who share their stories. I went on a first date during filming, which was INSANE. Lucky for me, I met the love of my life, and our first moments together are caught on camera—not too shabby.

PC: You’re also starring and producing the psychological thriller, They Watch. What can you tell us about your character and the film?
Diora: Even though I have worked on a plethora of horror films, this one stands out to me. I’m sure just about everyone says this, BUT it gives me major The Shining vibes. I play a mother of a young boy who starts to have nightmares and it just goes downhill from there. I had a hard time even finishing the script because I was that spooked. I am mostly looking forward to playing producer and getting a say in the overall film. Just call me “Boss”. [laughs] No, but really.

PC: What is the best piece of career advice you’ve ever received?
Diora: When I was 17, I was at some Hollywood party thingy and looked over to see none other than George Clooney. I was so naive back then that I marched right over to him, interrupted his conversation with all the surrounding supermodels, and introduced myself. I told him I had just moved to LA and wanted to be an actress and asked him what advice he had to offer me. As sweet as can be, he told me to just be patient. He told me to hold out as long as possible. It takes time. I swear, I still think about those simple words from time to time. Thanks, George!

PC: Are there any other projects you would like to discuss?
Diora: What I am most excited about is the show I am developing right now with my partner Mav Viola, who just happens to be a writer and a comedian. Score for me! It’s actually the most fun project I have ever been involved in and being a part of the creating process has been the most rewarding gig of all. The show is a comedy about a single mother, post-divorce, struggling in her acting career, who realizes she’s a big ol’ lesbian. Sound familiar?

Pop Culturalist Speed Round

PC: Guilty pleasure TV show?
Diora: The Bachelor and The Bachelorette because DUH.

PC: Guilty pleasure movie?
Diora: Home Alone

PC: Favorite book?
Diora: The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein.

PC: Favorite play or musical?
Diora: Cats. It was the first musical I ever saw.

PC: Favorite social media platform?
Diora: Instagram. It’s great for lazy folks like me who don’t want to read or write.

PC: A band or artist that fans would be surprised to learn is on your playlist?
Diora: Justin Beiber. Blame my four-year-old for that one.

PC: Hidden talent?
Diora: I’m really good at balloon animals, thanks to that time I was a clown. That is a fact.

Make sure to follow Diora on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Photo Credit: Birdie Thompson / Glam: April by Team Michelle Q. Beauty


Kevin is a writer living in New York City. He is an enthusiast with an extensive movie collection, who enjoys attending numerous conventions throughout the year. Say hi on Twitter and Instagram!

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