
Exclusive Interview: Pop Culturalist Chats with Locke & Key’s Genevieve Kang

Actress Genevieve Kang is one of the breakout stars of Netflix’s fantasy drama Locke & Key, which recently was picked up for a second season. Based on the bestselling graphic novels by Joe Hill, Locke & Key follows the adventures of the Locke siblings, who, along with their mother, move back into their ancestral home after their father is murdered. There they discover magical keys that may be connected to their father’s mysterious death.

Genevieve is a scene-stealer as girl next door Jackie Veda. Pop Culturalist caught up with Genevieve to chat about her career, unlocking her potential as a creative, and where she hopes her character’s story goes in Season 2.


PC: How did you discover your passion for acting?
Genevieve: I’ve always enjoyed performing, but it wasn’t until I was in high school and did my first musical. I fell in love with the whole process of storytelling, the production, conceptualization, delving into the text, drawing up themes, putting in the work, and all the pieces coming together. It’s such a rewarding experience to share with everyone what we’ve been working on and make a statement in the process.

PC: Who or what has had the biggest influence on your career?
Genevieve: My therapist. [laughs] I’ve known all my life that this is what I’ve wanted to do, but it took me many years and degrees to realize this is what I’m meant to do. I had to get out of my own way and do the darn thing. For years, I didn’t feel like it was possible to act for a living. I didn’t have any examples showing me otherwise. Not only do I have more of those examples today, but I’ve also been doing a lot of self-work through therapy as it’s helped me break through patterns and reprogram my own unconscious beliefs about who I am.

PC: You’ve had tons of success already in your young career. When you look back, is there a particular moment that stands out to you?
Genevieve: This is more of a personal answer. I’ve been a part of this industry for many years, but it wasn’t until a few years ago that I made the shift into pursuing it full time. I didn’t call myself an actor up until a couple of years ago. I had a lot of other jobs along the way. I woke up one morning and I thought, “I’m not being creatively fulfilled. I’m not doing what I want to do.” I paid back whatever I owed, and I left my job. As soon as I made that mental shift in how I was looking at things, the work started to roll in. That was a pivotal moment for me personally. It wasn’t a particular job that was life-changing or anything. It’s more that I had to just do it. I’ve been working consistently ever since. It’s been a blessing.

Locke & Key

PC: Love that answer. You’re currently starring in Locke & Key on Netflix. Tell us about the series, your character, and what drew you to this project.
Genevieve: Locke & Key is a new original series from Netflix based on the bestselling graphic novels by Joe Hill. The story follows the three Locke siblings who, after the death of their father, move to their ancestral home and begin to discover these magical keys with special powers. But they soon learn that there are people who will stop at nothing to get these keys. I play Jackie Veda. She’s the girl next door. She’s an overachiever and everyone’s friend. Jackie tries to see the best in people, but she’s also very strong-willed and not afraid to confront others about their wrongdoings. She’s very sure of herself. It serves as a lovely complement to Tyler [Locke] and his journey through the first season, figuring out who he is and what he wants to be.

In terms of what drew me to this project, I fell in love with the story. For me, when I’m reading a script for the first time, I can tell pretty quickly whether or not I want to be a part of the project. I got the first four scripts before I was cast, and I couldn’t put it down. It was so layered and full. There are elements of fantasy, horror, mystery, drama, comedy, and the story deals with real family issues.

PC: One of Jackie’s main relationships within the series is with Tyler Locke. What can you tease about their dynamic and how it changes throughout Season 1? How did you and Connor [Jessup] approach that relationship?
Genevieve: In one word, flirty. Throughout the first season, Jackie really tries to get Tyler to open up about his past and the recent events that his family has gone through. She knows that there’s this more vulnerable and sensitive side to Tyler that she really likes about him. But Tyler is also trying to figure out who he is, who he wants to become, and if he wants to be a part of Jackie’s world. He’s trying to figure out how much he wants to open up to Jackie. It’ll be interesting to see moving forward how that develops.

PC: Where would you like to see Jackie’s storyline head?
Genevieve: To echo my last response, I’d like to see more openness and vulnerability between Jackie and Tyler. We see a bit of that in Season 1, but I’d love to see more of it. I’d love to see more of where Jackie’s coming from. She’s this really smart, put-together woman, but I’d love to see her a bit more unhinged, to be honest. I’d also love to see Jackie play more of a role in this world of magic too!

Pop Culturalist Speed Round

PC: Guilty pleasure TV show?
Genevieve: Glee, The Politician, or Scream Queens.

PC: Guilty pleasure movie?
Genevieve: I don’t feel guilty about this, but every holiday I watch Love Actually.

PC: Favorite book?
Genevieve: The Four Agreements

PC: Favorite play or musical?
Genevieve: How I Learned to Drive

PC: A band or artist that fans would be surprised to learn is on your playlist?
Genevieve: The Doobie Brothers

PC: Who would play you in the story of your life?
Genevieve: I have no idea. Hopefully, a talented actress!

PC: Since we’re talking about Locke & Key, if you could have a key, which would it be?
Genevieve: The ghost key

To keep up with Genevieve, follow her on Twitter and Instagram. Binge-watch Season 1 of Locke & Key on Netflix today.

Photo Credit: Laura Baldwinson


Kevin is a writer living in New York City. He is an enthusiast with an extensive movie collection, who enjoys attending numerous conventions throughout the year. Say hi on Twitter and Instagram!

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